Legal Notice
SARL NISIS with share capital of 18,293.88 euros.
Registered with the RCS Paris under number 418 681 797.
Its head office is located at 15 Rue Beaujon in Paris (75008).
Its offices are located at 3 Rue du Pont de l'Aveugle in Anglet (64600).
Phone: 06 811 55 830
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Your advisor is registered with the Unique Register of Insurance, Banking and Finance Intermediaries (ORIAS) under registration number 07 039 479 for the following regulated activities:
Financial Investment Advisor (CIF), registered with the Association National des Conseils Financiers-CIF (ANACOFI-CIF), an association approved by the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) located 17 Place de la Bourse in Paris Cedex 02 (75082 )
Insurance Intermediary (IAS): Type B broker (COA)
Intermediary in Banking Operations and Payment Services (IOBSP): Broker (COBSP)
IAS and COBSP activities are controlled by the Prudential Control and Resolution Authority (ACPR) located 4 Place de Budapest in Paris Cedex 09 (75436) .html
He is also a Real Estate Agent. Without holding funds. Holder of the Real Estate and Business Transactions card number CPI 7501 2018 000 037 304 issued by the CCI of Paris Île-de-France. The activity is controlled by the CNTGI and the DGCCRF.
He also holds the Appropriate Legal Competence (CJA). The appropriate legal competence is defined by article 54 of "Law n ° 71-1130 of December 31, 1971 reforming certain judicial and legal professions, updated by Law n ° 97-308 of April 7, 1997. It allows its holders to provide legal advice or to draft deeds under private signature as part of missions relating to their main activity.
Your advisor has, in accordance with the law and the ANACOFI-CIF code of conduct, professional civil liability coverage and a financial guarantee covering his various activities. These coverages comply with the requirements of the Monetary and Financial Code and the Insurance Code.
Insurance taken out with the insurer MMA IARD (COVEA RISKS)
Policy n ° 114.240.090
For amounts of: CIF IOBSP IAS IMMO
Professional Civil Liability € 2,000,000 € 2,000,000 € 3,000,000 € 2,000,000
€ 1,500,000
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Financial Guarantee X 115,000 € 115,000 € 110,000 €
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Your advisor is committed to respecting the ANACOFI-CIF code of conduct available at the association's headquarters or on
Computing and freedom
Any individual who has deposited personal information concerning him has the rights of opposition (article 38 of the law), access (articles 39, 41 and 42 of the law) and rectification (article 40 of the law) of this data. . To assert their rights, any individual can write to the Cabinet.
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